Testimonials    Online Language Test
  Accreditations by: Nigerian Institute of Training &Development (NITAD), Industrial Training Fund (ITF) and Centre for Management Development (CMD)

We offer two broad services:

1. HR Consulting services

Our HR Shop offers a wide spectrum of services, providing the flexibility and options to serve all our clients' Human Resources needs. Our staff are highly qualified and experienced professionals with great depth of knowledge of our clients' businesses and needs. We provide our clients' with an informed perspective on the issues they face, thus enabling them to maximize Human Capital giving them a competitive edge.

Our HR services include, but not limited to:

a. People Development/Learning & Development

LSDC delivers in-house, in-plant, off-the-job courses(open)and comprehensive training & development services throughout the year.

b. Outsourcing

Based on pre-agreed terms, LSDC takes on some client tasks which takes the heat off them and in turn enables us to focus on more strategic issues.

c. Background checks

For a fee, we carry out checks under very strict confidential codes on our clients’ would-be employees viz a viz past employment and educational history, criminal record and credit score so our clients can evaluate objectively, before employment, a candidate’s qualifications, character and fitness for the job

d. Recruitment & selection

We carry out our clients’ mandate to source, verify and recruit various personnel to fill in vacant positions

2. Language School Services

In our language school, we teach English, French, Spanish and Nigerian languages (Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba) viz all the four skills of language (Speaking, Listening, Writing and Reading) or whichever skill they personally want to improve on.

b) Business Communication/Business Writing skills -

A tardily done proposal, for instance, rife with errors, does not and will not augur well for a company’s corporate image. This is where we come in: we teach and groom corporate executives on the art of writing well produced official documents and speaking correctly and appropriately in business and corporate situations. Our business English course package is designed for staff members especially executives – secretaries, personal and executive assistants, all officials involved in anchoring meetings, giving presentations ; officials involved in maintaining and keeping up the social and corporate image of the company. This course equips them with correct and appropriate means and diction for corporate and business communication.

c) Pro-Bono Educational Services.

Much as we do not teach English as a subject but as a language, we offer pro-bono services, teaching quality English as a subject in government schools, especially in the rural areas and hinterland where the less-privileged cannot afford silver spoon education.

d) Conference Services.

In the areas of translation and interpretation.